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List of of the most common asked questions from club admins and players
Questions concerning the players
Just go to the Log in screen and click where it says "Forgot your password? Click here."
Just go to the Log in screen and click where it says "Forgot your password?"
If your club has enabled the online fields payment, when you click in a slot time of the scoreboard fields, you will see the credit card input form with related cost of the field.
Questions regarding Club settings management
Of course, in "Center Settings" in the Control Panel you can define the annual club fee. The fee is valid for the whole calendar year. At the start of the new year, members' subscriptions reset until the next renewal.
Of course, in the "Center Settings" control panel you can change the hours before for cancellation under "Hours before for cancellation" and change the current setting.
Yes, in the "Center Settings" control panel, enable this option by checking the "Additional double" item.
As a prerequisite the club manager in Sporteevo in order to be able to receive online payment you need before to connect your club in Stripe to be in the same network of Sporteevo.
Questions regarding the management of the fields
In Control Panel click on the "Fields" menu. Click on the button at the top right and click "+ Add field".
In Control Panel click on the "Fields" menu. Selecting the specific field click on "Edit". Here we can define: